Those who know me would know that i am not a morning person and even my friends from Indonesia said i'm "puteri tidur" because my nap is at least 2 hours 😂😂😂 that was so embarrasing but i am writing it here anyway. No big deal.
I went to school at 5.50 a.m for morning session during seconday school. Then, when i went to matriculation for 2 years my classes was at 7 a.m. Even during university morning classes was no kidding man! There were years where i had insomnia and imagine that struggle to wake up. i set at least 6 alarms on my phone. When i was staying at block B (hai orang kampung!!! =my classmates who was my neighbourhood) they make noises during the morning and a friend nextdoor always knock my door to wake me up (i can't even hear my alarm most of the time meanwhile people outside can hear it lol). Starting my 4th year i changed block and my neighbourhood aren't my classmates anymore. So obviously i have to wake up on my own. It was hard man. I lay on my bed early, my eyes was closed but my mind was awake. I woke up in the morning felt like i had no sleep at all. Mimpi berganti mimpi okay. It worried me the most when i have to leave college for faculty during sampling especially where i need to take the bus at 7 a.m 😨 sepanjang malam dengan perasaan berdebar takut tak terbangun. haha.
I always took morning flight BKI-KUL since that was the time of the day where MAS offer the cheapest price 😂😂😂 the earliest flight was 6 a.m. but i had no worries since my dad is my best alarm! He has always been! He just need to call my name once and i will wake up. Thats weird tho but i don't know why. At times like this i hope my dad could be here so he can wake me up every morning and i don't have spent anxious night waiting for the morning *sigh*
During my intern days in Indonesia (my friends would want to vomit now that most of my blogpost i mention this intern thingy) but please bear with me. Oh okay so, the subuh was earlier than sabah time! I always terbangun even before subuh because there is the best alarm (obviously not my dad's voice. haha) it was a voice from the surau! Around 4 a.m the person (it has always been the same person) he will recite the quran first, using a microphone and the whole kampung can listen to him sebab ada speaker 😂 Alhamdulilah, MashaaAllah. But it was too early and sometimes we got back late at night from programme around 12 or 1 tapi sudah terbangun awal dengar suara mengaji. I can't recall it was either before or after azan subuh, he will announce over the speaker "bangun,bangun solat subuh" for a few timesssss. No reason people in this kampung can wake up late because they have the best alarm in town.
Okay tu je nak cakap pun. I wish i have the ability to be a morning person. or at least my ears they better respond to my alarms.
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