Assalamualaikum, Hello beautiful souls :)
This beautiful sky picture i took when i went for fieldtrip at Navy Base,Lumut,Perak.
It is almost the end of the semester now. Kuliah pun tinggal lagi 2 minggu ja. Lepas tu study week. Lepas tu exam. Lepas tu balik rumah raya. Lepas tu praktikal. Lepas tu busy setahun dengan final year project.
I tried not to tell a long story on my struggle with assignments and reports. Because everyone else did too. Its just the pressure might be slightly different for every person.
This is the semester where i think some of my classmates have that "what the hell with this bitch" feeling towards me.hahaha.
Whatever it is, i'm tryng my best to remain positive and tried not to hate anyone in my class.
In some situation, people don't understand, but i don't want to explain myself.
If the person are not open for an explanation, it would be a waste of time to explain anything. For them, you will always be the negative one.
I seek guidance from Allah for patience and strength. Please make me get through this semester with flying colours because my dad have been spending a lot of money for my education. I want him to feel that his investment is worth with my achievement.
You are the best motivator to yourself. Seek for motivation and keep filling your brain with positive thought. InshaaAllah, for every hardship comes ease :)
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