Assalamualaikum, Hi! *just imagine me waving at you* If you know me you should know i love waving at people.haha.
I would like to share a hashtag on twitter #MedTweetMy which is used by a group of doctor on their tweet. Besides, the most interesting hashtag is #perangmelawanmitos (Hello,this is 2016 already. Mitos yang dimaksudkan bukan dari zaman pak kaduk pak pandir sang kancil arnab kura-kura berlumba k) Ini mitos dalam konteks perubatan atau kesihatan *ehem.obviously because the hashtags were created by a doctor*
contoh mitos yang disangkal ialah "makan panadol/paracetamol tidak bagus dan boleh menyebabkan kerosakan ginjal" .Why i remember this is because i learned paracetamol poisoning in basic toxicology.Half life paracetamol (jumlah paracetamol yang akan berkurangan 50% dari jumlah asal) ialah dalam masa beberapa jam sahaja & jika keracunan paracetamol akan memberi kesan kepada liver/hati bukan ginjal. Masa baca orang share dekat fb rasa geram jugak but i usually wont comment because im not a qualified person to tell the public.Im not ready to have the experience being called as a keyboard warrior.haha.Glad that a doctor finally comes up with a statement to #perangmelawanmitos kah! kah! kah!
This is somehow very interesting for me sebab doctor(s) dekat twitter ni akan respon dengan soalan-soalan yang diajukan.Sampai soalan status doctor single pun diorang akan jawabkan. Ternyata doctor yang mempunyai twitter adalah cool! Haha. ( i follow @Heart_Kl and @Khairul_Hafidz )But im more interested if the netizen ask medical-related questions supaya berkembang sikit sel otak aku ni *never a lama phrase* sebab aku minum susu formula dari baby.i only breastfeed once! Tapi itulah. Ada yang cakap minum susu formula sel otak berkembang. Ada yang cakap mothers milk the best bikin anak pandai.haha. Sekali lagi itu mungkin mitos. Maybe i should ask my sister or cousin about this when they at least on 5th year of med school. *come on guys.seriously? i dont think i'll ask this question to a doctor in social network. Banyak lagi soalan bermanfaat dorang patut jawab*
Well, there's this one girl i saw flirt to one of the doctor on twitter.Dia pura-pura la tidak tau yang twitcon the doctor is a deadpool. Then she said "is it a spider man (blabla ada other choice she state and the last one......) or yourman?" that was a lmao moment.Ada juga yang high self confident mengurat lelaki in public.haha. The doc didnt reply i guess he's being a professional and then the girl tweet "So i guess you want to answer yourman" I cant help myself to stalk the girl's tweets sampai bawah sikit sebab aku jenis curious dari mana la dia dapat keyakinan tinggi macam tu.haha. aduii. Please k. Kesian la kat Dr tu. Kalau lelaki ngorat macam tu kena panggil pervert pula. btw, the doctor is Dr Beni @Heart_Kl i love what he shared on twitter (including Dr @Khairul_Hafidz) sebab diorang ne sempoi.Jawapan pun rilek ja macam dr khairul #perangmelawanmitos said "Sakit mata tidak akan berjangkit jika kita merenung mata orang. Tapi jika kita merenung mata seseorang, dia mungkin akan terkena jangkitan cinta" haippp dr ni. Dah la pandai ,kelakar pulak.Sebab tweet Dr khairul ni jugak la that girl ada mention Dr Beni bila nak merenung mata dia. #confidencelevelonpoint
The motif of this post is to let people know (kalau la ada pembaca blog i kan) that you can refer these doc on twitter tentang any medical-related curiosity.InshaaAllah akan dijawab. Kalau tengok dr khairul's following akan ada banyak lagi doc. So maybe boleh cari yang betul-betul expertise dalam konteks soalan yang ingin ditanya. Ada Veterinar,respiratory doc, etc. Kalau malas cari boleh la mention ja these doc they will refer your question to the expertise by mentioning them. You may also want to check the hashtags for more info.
Till then!
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