Assalamualaikum,hello beautiful souls ;) Frankly,i love facebook for bringing me down the memory lane.Receiving notification daily from facebook as stated on this post tittle be like apa lagi yg bikin malu kali ni" coz based on my status 2010-2012 ya Allah i was really immature (sometimes) dengan ejaan i changed U to Y for example : begitu jua became begitu jwa.hmmm.shame on me. But ironically,when i read the comments on my status,i realized some of those commented on my post,we no longer find each other now.Lost contact.Thats a bit sad if i find the status not reaching the threshold to gimme heartache from reading it, i just keep them for the sake of the comments from people i lost contact with,or i have no intention to contact them back, just because. So today im being generous to share one of the status i find stupid but tolerable in 2010..haha. "merokok mati,tidak merokok pun mati,bagus merokok sampai mati. p/s :dari kau seja ba tu" LOL.this wa...