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Showing posts from December, 2015

Gone,but never forgotten.

Assalamualaikum. Hi people!  This is not a happy story. But i want to write anyway as a rememberance for these 2 people in my life that had left the world for a better place, i believe. So around mid this year i lost my grandpa, my mum's daddy, late Francis Yassun What i think of my grandpa : -I see my mum in him and when i look at my mum i see him. -Hardworking man. He's a capable man. He can even build house! Balik kampung bangun pagi ja memang grandparents aku biasanya sudah keluar rumah. Pergi sawah. - Brave. I still remember mum's story on my grandpa run after a ghost! haha. Your grandpa ada kejar hantu sebab hantu masuk rumah? -Wise man. Kalau aku balik kampung selalu mesti pesan belajar rajin-rajin. Even masa saat-saat akhir di hospital few days before he left, sempat pesan dekat adik and my cousin yang kecil suruh dorang jadi doctor supaya boleh tolong orang sakit. *i cried when mum told me this.i wasn't around at that time* -Smart. My gra...

mistaken as married

Assalamualaikum.hi girls! if a guy read this, i don't say hi. #sorrynotsorry   (ehsan google) So today after our last pathology class i went to the library to find a pathology reference book. Bajet rajin,again.hahaha. believe me or not, buku yg pinjam dari library ni biasanya jadi perhiasan ja in case internet connection lost, because i love learning through youtube more coz it feels like i have a private tutor. Itu pun kalau terbuka hati gigih mau fahamkan juga certain topic.i study a night before exam so don't expect Okay back to the main story, so i went to the library counter to borrow the book, hand in the book and my matric card to the librarian,he actually noticed that i was wearing henna (on my nails only.tiada corak di jari), he thought i am married! Do i look like one?  librarian: eh pakai inai.baru habis kenduri ke? me: haah. librarian: serious? me: ya.. librarian: dengan orang sabah jugak? (i guess he knew i'm a sabahan from my...